Everybody can give an excellent presentation. It is important to follow these steps:
1. Do online research and find interesting and useful information about your topic.
2. Plan your speech well. Write a good outline.
3. An effective speech must be prepared well in advance. Do not postpone till the last minute.
4. Do not write too much on PowerPoint slides. Also, whatever you write, must be written in big and easy to read letters.
5. Never read from the slides. Show pictures, charts, diagrams or tables, but discuss and explain them in your own words.
6. Make your speech simple, logical, step-by-step, and clear. Never hurry!
7. Ask your friend to video your presentation (use your smartphone). Later you should upload it on your laptop and watch a few more times.
8. Speak fluently, clearly, loudly, and slowly. Pay attention to your pronunciation. Avoid grammar mistakes.
9. Give your audience (and yourself) a little time to think. Do not race through your presentation. It is not only you who needs a short rest. Your audience may feel tired and needs a rest too.
10. The audience should listen to you when you speak. You must take command.
11. Before you show a video, give an introduction to it. Explain why you will show it.
12. Relax. Even experienced lecturers feel nervous each time they have to give a speech.
13. Be friendly. Start with a smile.
14. Keep eye contact with your audience.
15. Watch your timing. Twelve minutes is OK.
16. Stand confidently and straight in front of your audience. The most frequent question I get from students is: “What shall I do with my hands?” My answer is: “Take a pencil, a notebook or a book and keep it in your hands. And do not touch your head”.
17. Speak, but never read from your notes or slides. Reading is not the same as speaking.
18. If the question was asked but not loudly enough, repeat the question loudly. Remember: communication with your audience is the key to a successful and positive presentation.
19. To finish your speech, summarize your basic points in a similar way as you usually do in the Conclusion of a written research essay. However, you should note that there is a slight difference between spoken language and formally written language intended for reading. Finish your speech with an attention-grabbing comment, an appropriate proverb or a famous quote.
20. When you finished your speech, ask if they have any questions to ask. Express thanks to your audience and sit down.
21. So, your speech was recorded, and now you have an excellent opportunity to improve your speaking skills very effectively, by watching yourself. When you are at home, at your own desktop or laptop, you can look at yourself and try to improve in areas that did not go well during your presentation. As you watch, try to pay attention to (and avoid in the future) the so-called verbal stalls such as "um," “mm”, “so”, “well” or "like." Watch your body language. Were you touching your face too often? Were you leaning heavily on one leg? Were you looking at the audience (or into your notes, or at the teacher)? Did you smile (not at all, or too often and too much)? Did you speak well and distinctly all the time? How about your English language mistakes?
22. Most students like to write too much on the PowerPoint slides. The worst thing would be to write full sentences! Please remember that PowerPoint is not for writing full sentences or paragraphs (or articles). If you write more on a slide, the letters automatically become smaller and most students who are sitting at the back, will not see anything. Therefore, you should write little; and write only important key words or phrases.
Good Examples of Presentation Outlines: click here to view...